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The Monthly Membership for the ambitious woman with beautiful bold dreams in their business and life, to heal, learn, grow and become your most Magnetic self and align with your desires. 


​​There is a version of you who craves more impact in your business and life.


You can feel your soul whispering to you ‘there has to be more’ and you know you’re ready to live the most extraordinary life creating the freedom you always dreamt about.


The freedom where you can work from anywhere, and sip cocktails as you sit in Capri overlooking the crystal clear water around you, while feeling the sun kiss your skin.


But right now…

  • You’re feeling this sense of stuckness in your biz. You’ve tried all the strategy courses, invested in mentors & implemented everything they’ve told you and it’s not brought you in the results you desire and it’s causing you to feel frustrated and doubt yourself.


  • You see people exploding up in their business, making mega money and you feel like you’re failing and that’s when the negative Nancy voice in your head creeps in and says: Can I do this? Am I capable?


  • You feel you’re holding yourself back in your content and not speaking your truth but you just feel unsure what that even is because you’ve got so consumed with everyone else’s content, so you wake up saying: what do I post today to try and sell?


  • You feel like you’re not good enough and it’s causing you to not give yourself time to spend on you, and so you hear yourself saying: I don’t have time to do that.

This isn’t about hustling harder because you work hard; and if we are being real there is a belief deep down that you have to work harder for success and it is just not true!

This is about unf*cking your fears, stepping into the next level version of you and believing deep down that you are good enough to create your dream business and life with the freedom that makes you excited to jump out of bed in the morning.

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The key to your business and life success you desire is healing your self-image!

For others to value you and see the impact in what you do, you have to love yourself, value yourself and have high self-worth, and speak from the heart.

Because the raw reel truth is that you radiate out into the world what you think and feel about yourself through your electromagnetic field and reflected back is opportunities and people and circumstances.

So, when you feel ignored in business and sales are dry – where are you ignoring yourself?

If people are being critical of you – where are you being critical of yourself?

This is why healing your self-image and self-love levels are essential to your business and life growth.

YOU DO NOT reflect back to you how you treat others but how you treat yourself! 

This is the work we do in ALignment Academy


What if you could break down those invisible barriers? What if you could unf*ck your fears? What if the house, car, career and money you desired, where not a dream but a reality?


I know it's possible, because I've done it & was able to manifest self love, my husband, 2 houses, dogs, cars, business and so much more....

And Client M, in Alignment Academy in 1.5 months of being in there manifested new clients into her business, a new house & started shifting the stories not serving her. 

How did she do this? Through my YES Manifesting Method.

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Your Vivid Vision 

Create a vivid vision of your life, on your terms & in your way. To create this vision you need to regulate your central nervous system to feel safe to dream the champagne lifestyle you desire (p.s. my champagne lifestyle is country walks in wellies, dinners by the fire and quality time with my husband, friends & family).

Embody Her 

You already are the woman who has the dream life but now it's about taking your power back from external circumstances and asking yourself: How would she think? Feel? Behave? What habits would she have? How would she identify?

This is about expanding your nervous system for more; transforming fear to fuel to propel you forward, transforming anxiety to excitement and stress to passion. This is done through somatic practices and you have a whole portal of them to change your beliefs on a body level. 

To embody her, you also need to ignite your intuition! We do this through practices to support ourselves in trusting our decisions more to stop giving your power away. No more asking 100 friends for the answer to a life decision, when your soul already knows. I teach you how to do this in the live monthly sessions!

Surrender while taking Aligned Action

You cannot sit & hope and wait for the dream life. You create it. When you tap into your intuition, you start to take aligned action and the more aligned action you take, the closer you move towards your dream. But here is the key - while taking the action, and resting without guilt, and having more fun in life, you surrender and know it is this or something better.

For example take client A, who is in her late 20s, she was so confused over her career and the direction of life. She was being pulled in sooooo many directions & after working together she knew her heart and her soul was meant to DJ. It was what LIT her up completely and she's been DJing ever since and has got herself booked up with amazing gigs, has great collabs and is thriving! 

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Take client S & R, who both had a 30 minute energy reading with me and this was the outcome ➡️

We incorporate energy healing techniques inside Alignment Academy.


This is for you if...

❤You are ready to take action and stop feeling stuck, lost & frustrated in your business and life.
​❤You can hear your soul whispering to you that it is time for a change
❤You're ready to let go of stagnant energy & connect deeply with who you are at a soul level
❤You desire clarity on who you are & what you want out of life.
❤You want to connect with like minded amazing women who are navigating their soul's purpose
❤Energy & vitality to take action towards your goals, dreams & desires.
❤To feel free & abundant daily in life & take back control of your life.
❤You're looking a whole new perspective shift and a new way of living because you are ready to become ICONIC.

What's included in Alignment Academy:

❣️Embodiment Portal to support you in embodying your Inner Queen 👑 and healing the parts of you that don't feel good enough, loveable or worthy. 

We do this through:

💃🏻Somatic healing practices - This allows you to release emotions stored in your body (Unconscious mind) that lead to self sabotaging, physical illness, emotional instability and mental health issues. It is about liberating yourself and feeling free in your body!

💃🏻Hypnosis meditations - These get into the subconscious mind which governs 95% of what you do (and it's why affirmations don't work as they come from the conscious brain which governs 5%). These support you in rewriting the limiting stories not serving you. 

💃🏻Tapping's (EFT) - These support you to release emotions stored in the meridians of the body that lead to self sabotage.

❣️2 monthly live calls on ZOOM 

1 monthly Moon Ritual where we use the power of the moon to magnify your manifestations & release your limiting beliefs.

1 monthly Q&A where you will have a 20 minute Master Class on a topic of your choice - chosen within the portal (by vote) and 40 minute Q&A. 

All sessions are recorded and uploaded to the portal & when you join you get access to all previous ones too. 

❣️Community chat within the portal - this is on  circle - everything is in one place!

❣️Every month there is a new focus where a new resource will be uploaded for you & the Q&A of that month will be focused around that. In July & August we are having a SEXY SUMMER & focusing on being the healthiest & wealthiest versions of ourselves with a BONYS yoga session per month.

❣️Access to Manifesting Blueprint (valued £47)

❣️Access to Magnetic Money Queen (Valued £47)

❣️£444.44 PIF for the year ( 2 months free🪄 or £44.44 a month)

* Cancel anytime / rolling monthly contract or stay forever

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